Triptych featuring Ashley Darling receiving a trophy and certificate, Karina Bhattacharya receiving a plaque, and John Hill receiving an IDSA Student Merit certificate.

Industrial Design Students Honored

Industrial Design Students Honored

School of Industrial Design students' academic excellence earned accolades beyond the College of Design this semester. Karina Bhattacharya, Ashley Darling, John Hill, and Palak Gupta received awards recently.



Provost's Academic Excellence Award: Ashley Darling

Ashley Darling holding an academic trophy

Ashley Darling received a Provost's Academic Excellence Award. Established in 2021, the Provost’s Academic Excellence Award was created to recognize the remaining five finalists of the Love Family Foundation Award. Each student is a graduating senior and represents the most outstanding scholastic record from their college. Finalists receive a $2,000 award, generously sponsored by the Love Family Foundation and the Office of the Provost, and recognition at the annual Student Honors program.

Three-Minute Thesis, Master's Category: Karina Bhattacharya

Karina Bhattacharya receiving a plaque on-stage at the Three-Minute Thesis competition.

Karina Bhattacharya, currently in the Master of Industrial Design program, won the Master's category in the Georgia Tech Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. In 3MT, student scholars have three minutes to explain their research and its potential impact in a clear and engaging manner. As the master’s category winner, Bhattacharya won a $1,000 research travel grant.

IDSA Student Merit Award: John Hill and Palak Gupta

John Hill received a certificate from Javier Irizarry.

John Hill, in the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design program, and Palak Gupta, in the Master of Industrial Design program, received the Industrial Design Society of America's (IDSA) Student Merit Award for undergraduates and graduates, respectively. The award highlights the very best creativity, problem solving and design brilliance in each of IDSA’s five North American Districts. Hill and Gupta will go on to represent the School of Industrial Design at the IDSA District level. 

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