photo of a group of design students

International Study

International Study

Georgia Tech’s School of Industrial Design offers two options for students to study internationally: summer-based study abroad and semester-long international exchange programs. Study abroad programs are initiatives that typically take place over a summer, where groups of students travel to an international city under faculty guidance and study the art, architecture, and design of the region. International exchanges, on the other hand, are educational programs where students study and take courses at schools abroad for a full semester and receive credit towards their degrees. 

Semester Exchange

Georgia Tech has exchange agreements with numerous universities. On average, about 15 - 20 industrial design students participate in international exchange with another industrial design program per year. They include:

Summer Programs

Greece and Italy

Study architecture, painting, and sculpture of the Classical Greek, Roman, Renaissance and Baroque periods.


Travel throughout Europe and study in Oxford, England, for six weeks while living at Worcester College.


Take courses in computing, architecture, and languages as part of a faculty-led multidisciplinary program.

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