Owen Rohm


Just trying to walk the line between DaVinci and Eric Andre. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm working on it. Interested in math, art, movies, and the general concept of making the world a better place.


Pictures of Lamp



Class: Sophomore Studio  |  Instructor: Lisa Marks

Ah, yes, the lamp project. In terms of project scope, few can promise as deep and personal a look into a designer's own psyche via the questionable therapeutic technique of extensive sleep deprivation.

Anyway, my lamp looks to illustrate the concept of platonic dual shapes (icosahedron and dodecahedron). It's made of steel, plywood, vinyl, tears, and more JB Weld than I'd like to admit.

It will also be featured in the 2020 Bridges Math and Art Exhibition, which would've been in Helsinki, but is now located here: http://bridgesmathart.org/bridges-2020/

Picture of teaching toy



Group Members: Cathryn Gold, Joe Bakas, Beau Gonzalez
Class: Intro to Smart Products  |  Instructors: Sang-Won Leigh, Yaling Liu, Wei Wang

ArDino is a teaching toy that introduces kids to different Arduino components so that they aren't blindsided in their ID 2510: Intro to Smart Products class 15 years down the line. The toy is modular, and each ArDino focuses on teaching about a specific component, like the T-RGB, the Tri-servo-tops, or the Piezo-dactyl.

This was a group project, and despite whatever connotations that declaration may hold, it was actually both a lot of fun and very successful! I was mainly responsible for the more technical aspects like coding and schematics. The 3D model was made by Joe Bakas, Cathryn Gold handled the graphics, and Beau Gonzalez ran the whole show.

We were all also pretty happy with this ad we made for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny8gQzAYY18

Pictures of die ring



Class: First-Year Studio  |  Instructor: Wendell Wilson

Gambyt is a 20-sided die that's also a ring! It's made of gold-plated steel to add to any fantasy themed costume. Complete with some branding and a logo and a magnificent drawstring pouch to go along with it.

Find it on Shapeways if you'd like one of your own: https://www.shapeways.com/product/EVQTWRKLU/gambyt?optionId=86711283&li=marketplace