Sara Inani


I am a hardworking, results-oriented designer looking for a challenge. I focus on exploring new solutions through reseach, prototypes and iteration. I am particularly interested in opportunities involving group research, UX/UI design and 3D modeling, leading long term projects and diversifying my skills. Through schoolwork and personal projects, I have strengthened my skills in fields of rendering, branding, modeling and networking with people.

LinkedIn  |  Portfolio

A rendering of a set of dinnerware, with a set of mood-board photos next to it.

Dinnerware Project

Dinnerware Project

Class: ID 2023 | Instructor: Kimberly Snyder

The scope of the project was to develop a Dinnerware set with a consistent system, with a definite culture and cuisine. I chose to target the newly emerging Nordic Japanese cuisine. I focused on the raw feeling of nature and harmony. I wished to draw people towards simple, natural food.

A large grouping of photos showing a hand holding a foam handle in different positions and angles.

Ergonomics Project

Ergonomics Project

Class: ID 1011| Instruction: Samuel Harris

This project focused on ergonomic analysis. I analyzed a shop tool (Pliers) and designed a handle that was more efficient for hand usage. Thorough this project I received the foundation of research, user analysis, prototyping and critical thinking.

A group of drawings showing a shots from a video game

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

Teammates:  Art team— Julia Zhu, Ethan Yu, Zachary Thomas, Jackqueline Rose

Solo Project

Sticks and Stones is a game created with the help of Georgia Institute of Technology’s Video Game Development Program. This game is an ongoing project with 12+ people on the team. My role in this game is Art Leader, where I help deliver character design (both animated and pixelated), background scenes, inventory sprites and user interface design. Starting college can be very hard. Having to deal with anxiety on top of meeting new people does not help. Seeing your peers turn into monsters at night also does not help. Play as Elly, a college freshmen. Balance your will and anxiety meter as you interact with new characters, battle nocturnal monsters and uncover these monsters' secrets.This group project helped me refine my 2D skills (sketching), character design, leadership skills and UI assets.