Sydney Roessler


My favorite part about design is how it allows you to empathize with users with a diverse range of perspectives and scenarios. By doing so, we can help to create more intentional products and experiences.

LinkedIn  |  Portfolio

Two photos of a forest-like exhibit

Immersive Space Project

Immersive Space Project

Team Members:  Anna Goddard, KC Westbrook, Cathryn Gold
Class: ID 3052 | Instructor: Noah Posner

We've designed a biophilic immersive space where students can interact with nature while taking a much needed break from their studies. This space helps students to feel more calm and relaxed based on principles related to human's affinity for the natural world.

Post Pals

Post Pals

Post Pals

Class Instructor: Wei Wang

Post Pals is a smart composting bin that enables users to track their compost levels and therefore improve the process. Additionally, the app allows users to connect to the community and trade their compost for produce from local gardens and farms. 

Pictures of Lamp



Class: Sophomore Studio  |  Instructor: Lisa Marks

PipeLine is an industrial pipe lamp designed to fit in the corner of a modern loft office. It adds a touch of flair while still maintaining the clean and geometric aesthetic of the space. While the Edison bulbs give a nod to PipeLine’s vintage feel, they are also dimmable smart bulbs that allow for maximum customization within the space.

Pictures of Safety Alert Device

Safe n' Sound

Safe n' Sound

Class: Sophomore Studio  |  Instructor: Lisa Marks

Safe n’ Sound is a safety alert device designed to help women feel safer and more secure when participating in outdoor activities alone. The chip attaches to your shoelaces, making it convenient for running, hiking, and other activities. If an uncomfortable situation or injury should occur, you can either step on the chip, which has a pressure sensor embedded inside, or simply press the alert button. This will trigger text alerts to be sent to your designated emergency contacts. Additionally, Safe n’ Sound links directly to your Strava account to get your running data, meaning that you’ll never have to rely on your phone or smartwatch if you don’t want to. Safe n’ Sound brings a sense of peace of mind and security back to women and allows them to focus on the activities they love.

Pictures of tableware set

Tableware Set

Tableware Set

Class: Sophomore Studio  |  Instructor: Lisa Marks

Inspired by the traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony, this tableware set is an updated version suitable for an American coffee shop. The set is comprised of the sina, or espresso cup, a jar, and a jebena, which is a type of coffee pot. The jar is tiered and is meant to contain sugar and popcorn, both common as elements of the coffee ceremony.

Pictures of ring



Class: First-Year Studio  |  Instructor: Yaling Liu

Have you ever needed to bring your contacts with you on the go? Well then, Vision is the ring for you! This product acts as both a case for your contacts and a statement ring. It’s therefore convenient for travelers as well as young adults.

Picture of headphones

EverGreen Headphones

EverGreen Headphones

Class: First-Year Studio  |  Instructor: Yaling Liu

Inspired by the Arts and Crafts Movement, EverGreen headphones aim to modernize the design while still honoring the traditional qualities of the movement. The wood was cut on the CNC and hand-finished while I drew the pattern for the fabric all to honor the “truth to materials” and hand-crafted nature of the time.