Inika Gupta


I absolutely love the combination of Science, Art, and Technology that Industrial Design entails. As a designer, I want to to create meaningful designs and services which connect the user to the task to help them do it better. I look at every task not just as a task, but as an opportunity to make something look, feel, function better and as a resource for me to grow, and I feel like that forms a core part of who I am.

LinkedIn  |  Portfolio 

Several renders of a navigation app interface.

Navigation App

Navigation App

Class: ID 3824  |  Instructor: John White

An app that attempts to enhance an individual's layover experience by creating a personalized journey for them, independent of the duration of the layover!

Several images of a water bottle paired with an app.

Infusion Pods

Infusion Pods

Class: ID 2024  |  Instructor: Steve Chininis

When a high school student transitions into college, Health and Wellness often takes a back seat with all the new changes. My project objective was to design a system that attempts to solve the problem of dehydration and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. My solution was to design a system that contains a smart water bottle and a set of Infusion Pods. Every Infusion Pod contains an infusion recipe with added vitamins and minerals. The bottle helps the user set a hydration goal, tracks the user's hydration levels, gives reminders, and also aids with selection and storage of infusion pods. Additionally I also focused on factors like good grip, easy to carry, and easy to clean to ensure the user is motivated to use it and it blends into his/her lifestyle.

Several photos of a red and gold lamp.

Dramatic Lighting

Dramatic Lighting

Class: ID 2024  |  Instructor: Steve Chininis

Dramatic Lighting: I designed a decorative floor lamp for a restaurant which imbues the atmosphere with an ornate and warm vibe. It makes use of shadow art to add an element of wall decor as the light is turned on.

Renders of a medicine case in white and black.



Group Members:  Mira Dhingra, Inika Gupta, Jade McPike, Manya Gajwani
Class: ID 2510 |  Instructor: Yaling Liu, Wei Wang, Sang-Won-Leigh

Medpill: a smart medication case for on the go
We designed this product in an attempt to solve the problem of non adherence to prescription medication, which causes more than 125,000 deaths annually! MedPill is an interactive, wearable medication case that ensures elderly users take timely medications in the right dose. MedPill is targeted toward the eldery who live with other family members or a caretaker who can refill the pill case daily and also monitor their pill management through an app. The user is reminded to take medication through haptic feedback and when the user presses the push button, the ‘right compartment’ opens.