Shani Genosar


Shani Genosar is an industrial designer and avid maker that is passionate about crafting, building, and learning new skills. Her designs are playful, immersive, and pragmatic. Before studying industrial design, Shani started her career as a mechanical engineer. She draws inspiration for her practical designs from her experiences in engineering, but strives to create products and experiences that go beyond just functionality. The perfect product should be both intuitive and intriguing – easy to use and nice to look at.

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Class:  ID3813  |  Instructor: Lisa Marks

The name Sprangdal comes from the combination of the words sprang and sandal. Sprang is an ancient way of creating textiles that have stretch. The elasticity of the fabric comes from the way the threads are interlaced. The technique requires stretching the threads with tension between two fixed points. While sprang has been around for centuries and has been found all over the world, it is not a popular form of large scale textile manufacturing because to this day it can only be done by hand. As a bias fabric, Sprang is stretchy, allowing it to easily conform to the shape of your body. The Sprangdal is lightweight and is easy to compact, making it the perfect travel sandal.

Lighting Project

Lighting Project

Lighting Project

Class: ID 2024  |  Instructor: Steve Chininis

This lamp was created for outdoor use in a playground. It was designed to both extend the hours of play while also being a part of play. When the wheel is spun it causes the light in the lampshade to change colors (from red to violet and back). In this way, it can teach kids about the colors of the rainbow while also illuminating the playground.

Hang Solo

Hang Solo

Hang Solo

Class: ID 2024  |  Instructor: Steve Chininis

College students are dealing with many new environments, people, and situations. The combination of all these new experiences are exciting but can easily overwhelm a student. When students feel overwhelmed (stressed) and don’t know how to relieve that feeling or channel it into productivity, it can lead to bad habits, poor choices, and difficulty in academics. Hang Solo is a headset that gives you alone time and helps you unwind after a stressful day, regardless of how many roommates you have. It features noise-cancelling around-ear headphones, a plastic blackout eye mask with padding, and elastic for easy adjustment. The headphones will connect via bluetooth to an app on your phone where you can customize your preferences ahead of time. These preferences include options for sound or music (nature sounds, calming music, or white noise) and an option for a soothing voice to guide you through some ways of calming down and relaxing. For example, it could tell you to focus on your breathing and walk you through some breathing exercises.